To upgrade to a new TrainMyAI version, please follow the steps below.
  • Log in to your server and use cd to navigate to the directory containing the trainmyai directory. Confirm that the command below shows the trainmyai directory's contents:

    ls -l trainmyai

  • Use the mv command to rename the existing trainmyai directory, for example:

    mv trainmyai trainmyai-2025-02-08

  • Download and install the latest version of TrainMyAI:

    tar -xzf trainmyai-1.6.tar.gz

  • Copy the configuration file across from the old to new directory:

    cp trainmyai-2025-02-08/config.ini trainmyai/config.ini

  • Optional: If you have a license, any custom settings, templates or preprocessors, copy them across as well:

    cp trainmyai-2025-02-08/license.json trainmyai
    cp -R trainmyai-2025-02-08/settings trainmyai
    cp -R trainmyai-2025-02-08/templates trainmyai
    cp -R trainmyai-2025-02-08/preprocessors trainmyai

  • If you are using ChatGPT only (remote language models):
    • Open the installation verification page verify-install.php of TrainMyAI in your web browser. For example, This will check that everything is in order and perform any database updates required.
  • If you are using Llama 3 (local language model):
    • Check that your server fulfils the additional requirements.
    • If you are using Llama 3 (local language model) for the first time after upgrading, follow the last step of section 1 of the manual installation guide to install prerequisites, then modify the trainmyai/config.ini file by following the last 2 steps of section 4 of the manual installation guide.
    • Whether you are using Llama 3 for the first time or not, use cd trainmyai to enter the TrainMyAI directory, then follow the last step of section 2 of the manual installation guide to download models and install libraries.
    • Open the installation verification page verify-install.php of TrainMyAI in your web browser. This will check that everything is in order and perform any database updates required.
That's everything! Now you can enjoy the latest improvements to TrainMyAI.

Getting help

If you encounter any problems with these instructions, please contact us with the following information:

  • A description of the problem, including any error messages shown.
  • Linux distribution, e.g. Ubuntu 22.
  • MySQL/MariaDB version.
  • PHP version.
  • Any relevant lines of Apache's error_log file.

You can run the following set of commands to collect much of this information together:

grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release ; mysql --version ; php -v
sudo grep -s PHP /var/log/httpd/error_log /var/log/apache2/error.log | tail -n 10